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How WordPress has maintained its hold on the digital landscape

How WordPress has maintained its hold on the digital landscape
How WordPress has maintained its hold on the digital landscape

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As with most parts of life, the internet's direction is inevitably dictated by trends. New systems come and go, new platforms rise and fall, and the entire aesthetic of online design seems to be in a constant state of minor flux as new sites attempt to build on the achievements of the old.

In this change, website development platforms are no different, with website design packages and tools falling in and out of favour as requirements for quality web design change. However, in all of this, one name sticks out as being stalwart in the face of such seemingly-inevitable upheaval, and that name is WordPress.

Starting on May 27, 2003, WordPress has been one of the unquestioned staples of WEB2.0 and its design principles. Its capacity for sleek, minimalist website creation for those with little to no experience in the digital field has made it an essential for new businesses, artists, designers, digital specialists, bloggers and more for the better part of 20 years, and with that two-decade anniversary coming up, there's no hint of that stopping.

So, what has allowed WordPress design to remain a ubiquitous part of the digital experience, and how has WordPress as a platform managed to achieve continued success while so many competitors have fallen into relative obscurity?

Size versatility in the age of digital

Looking at the landscape of WordPress web design in Melbourne will show a lot of variety in what that concept even means. For some, it will show you enterprise-level businesses creating incredible websites that showcase the peak of digital ingenuity.

For others, it will represent the first shaky steps many business owners and creatives take into the world of digital, allowing new creators to flex their design skills in a way that would have otherwise been completely foreign to them.

This versatility has allowed WordPress to become a staple at several different angles of the business world, making its success stories both that of big and small businesses. Not only does this look good from a marketing perspective, but it also offers the highest possible chances for word-of-mouth, as people from many different walks of life find ways to use WordPress for their specific needs.

Ease of access = specialised skillsets

Given the level of complexity available through WordPress, both in its native form and through the use of additional plugins, anyone who decides to start focusing on WordPress web design has a very high ceiling to what they can learn in terms of a pure-WordPress skillset.

So, with a lot of new web designers getting their start on the platform, and learning various design elements in ways that are specifically applicable to WordPress above other web design options, you have generations of people that are brought up to have that mindset ingrained into them.

This is another way in which WordPress has maintained its longevity, allowing those who initially came into web design as teenage hobbyists to then evolve those skills into viable careers and inspire others to do the same.

SEO specialisation

Above many other platforms, WordPress has been shown by digital marketing agencies to be specifically useful for search engine optimisation (SEO) purposes. This is thanks to a high level of customisation and very little forced railroading in terms of what you can and cannot alter with your metadata and the inner workings of the WordPress system.

With WordPress then becoming one of the preferred building tools for digital marketing agencies looking to prepare sites for ongoing campaigns, this meant that more and more WordPress sites have seen exposure through high rankings on Google.

As with the previous point, the more chances a certain system has to get seen, the more it will inspire people to create using that same system, and the more likely those inspired are to recommend that system to those around them.

Good will is, well, good

Unlike some other systems that have been quite closed off in terms of their code and what is available to the public, WordPress has made many decisions that have made it quite popular in the world of tech. However, none are more immediately laudable by the standards of the tech world than the fact that WordPress has been made open-source.

This means that anyone can access their system's code and use it to create tools of their own, which in turn has made it easier for users to then create plugins and other additional resources for the WordPress platform.


There are hundreds of reasons that WordPress has maintained its footing as one of the leading forces on the modern internet, from its focus on user experience to its relative affordability compared to other brands.

However, the thing to take from this is that WordPress has benefited a lot from having a good connection to its audience, a fact that is integral to its viability as a platform two decades into its existence. So, learn from WordPress, engage your audience, and maybe make a