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5 Most common causes of car accidents

5 Most common causes of car accidents
5 Most common causes of car accidents

This article is in partnership with Smiths Lawyers.

Driving a car sounds like freedom. Change the gear, press the accelerator, and set out on a long drive. Be careful, though. A second is all it takes for the speed to go out of control. Many times, it's not even your fault, but the driver next to you decides to mess up, and you face the impact of the collision.

You can't guarantee total prevention, but you sure can reduce the risks of car accidents. Are you looking for ways to protect yourself from car accidents altogether? How? By understanding the common causes of car accidents.

5 Of the most common reasons for car accidents

Below we have collaborated with Smiths Lawyers, a Brisbane car accident law firm, on the top 5 causes of car accidents.

1. Driver's fatigue

Most car accidents take place because of the driver's fatigue. Driving while you feel tired to your bones is dangerous. You might get drowsy, lose your focus for a moment, and that's all it takes to miss the brakes and crash.

If you feel sleep-deprived, your eyesight might blur away, reducing the clarity with which you can see the road. In such cases, you should book a taxi or opt for metros.

Driving when you already feel the fatigue kicking in can cause damage to not just you but others on the road with you. Those are the reasons why you should play it safe and avoid this error.

2. Drunk driving

Drunk driving is, undoubtedly, one of the most common causes of car accidents across the globe. Drinking affects your cognitive and sensory functions. Head spinning, unclear focus and unsteady grip on the steering wheel are most likely to cause collisions or near-accident experiences.

Driving after consuming alcohol or drugs, you are putting yourself and others at high risk! Intoxication can even cause you to overspeed without caring or concentrating on the road.

You aren't safe from drunk driving even if your alcohol level is less than the legal limit. So, you should wait for the alcohol to digest, get your bearings, and hydrate yourself. Even then, caution and safety are better than driving yourself.

3. Bad weather

Rain or snow makes the roads slippery. Moisture reduces the friction on the roads that causes car brakes to stop working - or work poorly. That is why driving while it's snowing or raining can cause car accidents.

In addition, sandstorms and intense fog can make it difficult for drivers to see a few inches ahead of you. So, you may fail to notice if a car is in front of you until it's too late. That's how you may end up involved in collisions.

4. Distracted drivers

Distraction is among the most common causes of car accidents. And intoxication and fatigue aren't the only two reasons for distractions. Anything that causes you to switch your focus from the road in front of you is hazardous.

That is the reason why you should not answer calls, read incoming messages or reply to messages as you drive. Even using a Bluetooth device to answer calls can cause you to lose focus on your driving as you discuss important details with the caller. As a result, you might miss the red lights or vehicles switching lanes in front of you.

So, it's better to ignore all the distracting elements and continue driving. If it's an important call, you can always pull over or park somewhere to attend it.

5. Speeding

It's no breaking news that speeding is one of the top five causes of car accidents. Speed limits are set for a reason. If you drive beyond these limits, there is a high chance you may lose control and not have enough time to step on your brakes. Over speeding increases the risks of severe car accidents and can even result in casualties.

Speeding in your neighbourhood, busy streets, or city lanes is a critical mistake that you must refrain from. That way, you can avoid jeopardising your safety and that of other citizens as well.

Final thoughts

Driving is an act filled with responsibilities. A second of rashness or carelessness can cause damages and regrets that last for your whole life. Better be safe than sorry later, after all.

Therefore, as a responsible driver, you should know the usual causes of car accidents and avoid these situations where you can. We've offered five of the common reasons for car accidents so consider these reasons and drive in a way that keeps you and others out of harm's way.

Have a safe drive!